Delicious Cabbage with Chickpeas: A Simple, Nutritious Meal

Delicious Cabbage with Chickpeas: A Simple, Nutritious Meal

Welcome to a delightful journey of flavors with our Cabbage with Chickpeas recipe This dish is not only easy to prepare but also packed with protein, making it an ideal choice for a satisfying lunch or dinner.

Discover the joy of cooking with our Cabbage with Chickpeas recipe A perfect blend of flavors and nutrition, this dish is a must-try for anyone looking for a quick, healthy, and delicious meal. Share your personal experience and join the community of food lovers who enjoy this simple yet satisfying recipe.

Ingredients Cabbage with Chickpeas recipe

  • 1lb (400g) of fresh cabbage, sliced
  • 4oz (120g) cooked chickpeas
  • 4oz (125ml) orange juice
  • 3oz (80ml) water
  • 1 tbsp date syrup
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • Salt to taste


Delicious Cabbage with Chickpeas: A Simple, Nutritious Meal
Delicious Cabbage with Chickpeas: A Simple, Nutritious Meal
Delicious Cabbage with Chickpeas: A Simple, Nutritious Meal
Delicious Cabbage with Chickpeas: A Simple, Nutritious Meal
Delicious Cabbage with Chickpeas: A Simple, Nutritious Meal
1. cut cubbage
2. fry them
3. fry veggies
4. add ,asale
5. ready
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  1. Sauté the cabbage slices in a lightly oiled pan over medium heat until they’re nicely charred.
  2. In a bowl, whisk together the orange juice, water, date syrup, coriander, paprika, cumin, and salt.
  3. Pour the mixture over the cabbage in the pan and add the chickpeas.
  4. Cover and let it simmer for about 10 minutes until the liquid reduces and the flavors meld together beautifully.

Here’s the cooking time and nutrition value for the Cabbage with Chickpeas recipe

IngredientQuantityCooking TimeNutrition Value (per serving)
Cabbage1lb10 minCalories: 50, Protein: 2g
Chickpeas4oz10 minCalories: 130, Protein: 7g
Orange Juice4ozCalories: 60, Vitamin C: 70mg
Water3ozCalories: 0
Date Syrup1 tbspCalories: 50, Fiber: 0.5g
Ground Coriander1 tspCalories: 6, Fiber: 0.5g
Paprika1 tspCalories: 6, Vitamin A: 100IU
Ground Cumin1 tspCalories: 8, Iron: 0.6mg
SaltTo tasteSodium: Varies
Cabbage with Chickpeas

Enjoy this nutritious and tasty dish that’s sure to become a favorite in your home! For more delicious recipes, don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review. Your feedback is always welcome.

FAQs for the Cabbage with Chickpeas recipe

Q: Can I use any type of cabbage for this recipe?

A: Yes, you can use any type of cabbage. Baby cabbage can be substituted for regular cabbage if you prefer.

Q: How long does it take to cook the cabbage with chickpeas?

A: The cooking time is approximately 10 minutes. Sauté the cabbage until charred, then simmer with the chickpeas and sauce for about 10 minutes.

Q: Is this recipe suitable for vegans?

A: Absolutely! This recipe is vegan-friendly and packed with plant-based protein from the chickpeas.

Q: What can I do if I don’t have date syrup?

A: If you don’t have date syrup, you can substitute it with honey or maple syrup for a similar sweetness.

Q: How can I make this dish spicier? 

A: To add more heat, you can include a pinch of cayenne pepper or red chili flakes to the sauce.

Q: Can I make this recipe in advance?

A: Yes, you can prepare the sauce and cook the cabbage in advance. Just reheat before serving to enjoy the flavors fully.

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