Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget

Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget

Discover the art of simple, budget-friendly cooking with our Sardine Omelette & Miswa recipes. Packed with omega-3s and protein, these timeless dishes offer comfort and nutrition for any meal. Dive into our step-by-step guide and savor the goodness of the sea

Sardine Omelette & Sardine Miswa: Timeless Comfort on a Budget

For years, these two sardine recipes have been my go-to comfort foods. Despite their simplicity, they remain deliciously satisfying. Today, I’m excited to share with you how to prepare a sardine omelette and a comforting bowl of sardine miswa.

Sardine Omelette: A Quick and Nutritious Delight


  • 5 whole eggs
  • 2 cans of sardines in tomato sauce (regular or spicy)
  • Garlic, onions, tomatoes
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Leeks or green onions
  • Oil for cooking


Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
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  1. Begin by heating some oil in a pan.
  2. Beat the eggs and season with salt and pepper.
  3. Sauté garlic, onions, and tomatoes until aromatic.
  4. Add the sardines to the sautéed mixture, followed by the beaten eggs.
  5. Cook on low heat, stirring gently to create a soft scramble.
  6. Once the eggs are creamy and lightly curdled, remove from heat.
  7. Serve the omelette over garlic rice or toasted bread, garnished with fresh spring onions or leeks.

Sardine Miswa: A Hearty Family Favorite


  • Garlic, onions, tomatoes
  • 1 can of sardines in tomato sauce
  • Miswa noodles
  • Hot water
  • Salt, pepper, and patis (fish sauce) for seasoning
  • Leeks or green onions for garnish


Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
Sardine Delights: Nutritious Omelette & Miswa Recipes for Budget
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4. miswa
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  1. Sauté garlic, onions, and tomatoes in a pot until tender.
  2. Add the whole sardines and let them simmer.
  3. Pour in hot water and bring to a boil.
  4. Season with salt, pepper, and a dash of magic (patis).
  5. Add the miswa noodles just before serving to prevent them from absorbing too much water.
  6. Garnish with leeks or green onions for a touch of freshness.

Closing Thoughts:

Sardines are a timeless classic, rich in calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamin D. They’re a staple in many cultures and a testament to the bounty our oceans provide. Let’s cherish and respect these gifts from nature by enjoying these simple yet delightful dishes.

comparing the nutritional values and cooking times for both Sardine Omelette and Sardine Miswa

RecipeSardine OmeletteSardine Miswa
Calories221 kcal231 kcal
Carbohydrates2 g11 g
Protein23 g20 g
Fat13 g11 g
Saturated Fat3 g1 g
Cholesterol326 mg111 mg
Sodium269 mg653 mg
Potassium383 mg394 mg
Fiber1 g1 g
Sugar2 g1 g
Vitamin A1364 IU256 IU
Vitamin C38 mg5 mg
Calcium257 mg310 mg
Iron3 mg2 mg
Cooking Time~15 minutes~15 minutes

Sardine Omelette and Sardine Miswa Related FAQ’s

Q: What are the main health benefits of eating sardines?

A: Sardines are a powerhouse of nutrition. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for heart health, and they’re also an excellent source of protein, vitamin D, and calcium, which are essential for strong bones and teeth.

Q: Can I use fresh sardines instead of canned ones for these recipes?

A: Absolutely! Fresh sardines can be used in these recipes. Just make sure to clean them properly and cook them a bit longer than you would the canned variety to ensure they’re fully cooked through.

Q: Are these recipes suitable for people with dietary restrictions?

A: These recipes are pescatarian-friendly. However, if you have specific dietary restrictions or allergies, please adjust the ingredients accordingly or consult with a nutritionist.

Q: How long can I store the leftovers? 

A: Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Make sure to reheat them thoroughly before consuming.

Q: Can I add other vegetables to the Sardine Miswa? 

A: Yes, feel free to add other vegetables like spinach or bok choy to the Sardine Miswa for added nutrition and flavor.

Q: Is there a substitute for Miswa noodles?

A: If you can’t find Miswa noodles, you can use vermicelli or angel hair pasta as a substitute. Just be mindful of the cooking time as it may vary.

Q: What can I serve with the Sardine Omelette?

A: The Sardine Omelette pairs wonderfully with garlic rice or toasted bread. You can also serve it with a side salad for a complete meal.

Q: How can I make the Sardine Omelette spicy? 

A: To add some heat to your Sardine Omelette, you can use spicy canned sardines or add a pinch of chili flakes or sliced fresh chilies to the egg mixture.

Q: What’s the best way to garnish the Sardine Miswa?

A: Garnish the Sardine Miswa with freshly chopped leeks or green onions for a touch of freshness and a pop of color.

Q: Can I make these recipes ahead of time?

A: The Sardine Omelette is best enjoyed fresh, but you can prepare the sautéed garlic, onions, and tomatoes ahead of time. For the Sardine Miswa, you can prepare the broth in advance and add the noodles when you’re ready to serve.

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